In order to maintain air quality and comply to local air quality regulations, industries must control their emissions depending on atmospheric conditions. In another scenario, emissions are released uncontrolled in an emergency and is spread over certain area. In both cases, the determination of atmospheric conditions is essential to make appropriate decisions. This requires the measurement and the modeling of atmospheric transport and diffusion.
AWAIRE® AQ is a complete solution that integrates the entire process of emission, transport and deposition of pollutants. It serves small to large industrial facilities in any environment. AWAIRE® AQ integrates all necessary hardware, software and services and is available in several versions.
The choice of hardware is related to the location of the facilities. Short, medium and long-range wind profilers, temperature profilers and surface weather stations are used to cover the variables and atmospheric phenomena that govern the pollutant dispersion.
The AWAIRE® AQ software package includes the database server in which emissions data, sensors, alerts, model results and simulations are stored. It also includes algorithms for validating, optimizing and integrating the sensor data. AWAIRE® AQ uses an atmospheric dispersion model assimilating wind and temperature profiler data. AWAIRE® AQ can also emulate specific scenarios for historical or synthetic situations. It has a configurable emission violation alert system.
AWAIRE® AQ uses a network-based architecture, allowing simultaneous operation from multiple users logged on the network.
The following services can be provided: the analysis of the facilities and availability of emission inventory; installation of sensors; installation and configuration of the server “in loco” or use of the cloud server; customer training.
AWAIRE® AQ is also available with incorporated Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) from the US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). This version allows the system to forecast pollution concentration up to several days in advance.