Scintec wind and temperature profilers are used for many different applications on airports. They are all-weather instruments and can operate in rain and with dense clouds. In combination with the profilers, AWAIRE Aviation provides complete intelligent solutions.
Radar and sodar wind profilers, alone or in combination, can measure vertical wind shear, turbulence level (EDR) and crosswind and are used to provide related data and issue warnings. Radars and sodars are often complemented by RASS temperature profilers. AWAIRE Aviation intelligently combines the output of different sensors, performs appropriate quality controls and optionally displays all dedicated information on a screen.
Temperature profilers can accurately detect inversions and quantify sudden increases in temperature with height. The sudden reduction of air density is an important safety issue and impacts maximum aircraft load. AWAIRE Aviation provides an adequate output of the Density Altitude.

AWAIRE Aviation has an innovative nowcasting capability for the wind field. It is based on a history of collected data and combines with this artificial intelligence. By anticipating the wind field changes, AWAIRE Aviation can enhance the efficiency of departures and landings and hence increases the capacity of airport operations.
Sodar wind profilers and RASS temperature profilers can be used to predict fog formation and burn. AWAIRE Aviation offers a dedicated model and enhances the capacity of airport operations at locations with annual fog events.

AWAIRE Aviation is a hardware, software and service package which is designed to provide the most complete, accurate and reliable information about upper winds and temperatures and to bring this to airport controllers, managers, meteorologists and pilots. AWAIRE Aviation uses a variety of the most advanced sensing technologies to continuously measure all relevant wind, temperature and turbulence parameters in the area of the departure and climb paths with high distance resolution, precisely and in near real-time. This includes wind speed and direction relative to the airplane as well as both, turbulence (EDR), vertical wind shear and density altitude.

MFAS is a versatile acoustic Wind Profiler which combines the both advantages of an excellent portability and a high detection range.

This is the standard model for reliable and continuous wind measurements with proven performance.