For operation of a SFAS system with AC power.

For operation of a MFAS system with AC power.

For operation of a XFAS system with AC power.

For operation of SFAS Antenna Heating with AC power.

For operation of MFAS Antenna Heating with AC power.

For operation of XFAS Antenna Heating with AC power.

for SFAS and MFAS
This power adapter allows for DC operation of SFAS or MFAS.

for SFAS and MFAS
This power cable allows for DC operation of SFAS Antenna Heating and MFAS Antenna Heating.

The small acoustic enclosure is directly mounted at the top of SFAS antenna. It consists of four panels that are equipped with sound absorption linings.

The small acoustic enclosure is directly mounted at the top of MFAS antenna. It consists of four panels that are equipped with sound absorption linings.

The large acoustic enclosure is placed on the ground surrounding the SFAS antenna. It consists of eight panels that are equipped with sound absorption linings.

The large acoustic enclosure is placed on the ground surrounding the MFAS antenna. It consists of sixteen panels that are equipped with sound absorption linings.

The acoustic enclosure XFAS is placed on the ground surrounding the antenna. It consists of sixteen panels that are equipped with sound absorption linings.

with Electronic Compartment and Acoustic Enclosure
This accessory consists of a support stand for the SFAS Antenna with an electronic compartment and an acoustic enclosure on the top, which is equipped with sound absorption linings.

with Electronic Compartment and Acoustic Enclosure
This accessory consists of a support stand for the MFAS Antenna with an electronic compartment and an acoustic enclosure on the top, which is equipped with sound absorption linings.

with Electronic Compartment and Acoustic Enclosure
This accessory consists of a support stand for the XFAS Antenna with an electronic compartment and an acoustic enclosure on the top, which is equipped with sound absorption linings.

This set of RS485 Converters permits to extend the length of the data cable between a SFAS, MFAS or XFAS system and the user PC.

This extension cable (100-500 m) can be used in conjunction with the RS485 Converter Set. (The wood cable reel is not included in this product)

For operation of a RASS RAE1, RAE2 or windRASS Extension with AC power.

This power adapter allows for DC operation of RASS RAE1 or windRASS.

This upgrade permits to later install a RASS Interface into an existing SFAS Signal Processing Unit that was originally produced without RASS Interface.

This upgrade permits to later install a RASS Interface into an existing MFAS Signal Processing Unit that was originally produced without RASS Interface.

This upgrade permits to later install a RASS Interface into an existing XFAS Signal Processing Unit that was originally produced without RASS Interface.